Memories from the Grandchildren

Created by Hayley 7 months ago

I need to start by saying if you know my Grandad you know he disliked the shortening of names in anyway, and he’d have no issue telling you so, repeatedly. 
But to me he was my Gramps, I shortened his Grandad title and whether he was fed up with telling me to stop shortening names or if he secretly quite liked his name from me, he never once corrected me. 
He could talk, and by talk, I mean for hours. Mum and I would joke each and every time we arrived for a visit that we’d see each other on the other side as we knew we wouldn’t hear our own voices for a while, but we truly loved his stories. 
The older we got the more I wanted to know. I asked him about his childhood about my Mum and Aunties when they were young and about his army life. 
He liked to talk, and I loved to listen. 
He was a formidable man, an impressive and great man, to me he was all those things but most importantly my Gramps, I’ll miss  hearing his voice and I’ll miss him being my constant story teller. 
I love you always, Hayley.


My favourite memories of Grandad were when me and Leigh used to stay with him for the weekend and he would take us for walks with our own sticks he made for us. He would drop us at the spectrum and then take us to get some sweets on the way home. 
I remember him being happy when I told him I got to do some flooring work at the Chelsea Pensioners as it was somewhere he knew well. 
The time he got to spend with Grace and Ivy, I’ll always cherish those memories and how happy he would look. 
Love Daniel.


What can I say about my Grandad Malcolm. He has been such a strong male figure in my life and taught me a few things along the way. 
I have lost count of the number of times we remodelled his garden together and of course we had a few disagreements along the way, I always lost but if any of you have every seen his garden you will know how much of beautiful place it is and how special if was to him. 
He also taught me a lot about the different species of birds whilst we would be having breakfast watching them on the bird feeder with a bird book and a pair of binoculars each. 
I have so many good memories of my Grandad and not enough paper in the world to fit them all on, but I will always have them in my heart forever. 
Enjoy being back on the golf course or pottering around in the garden or sipping a glass of cherry or two. 
Love you always, Leigh.


The fondest memories of Grandad I have are him in his garden playing hide and seek with me and making fruit cake next to him in his kitchen on a foot stool. 
As a family we joke about ‘Bethany’s patio’ that sits at the end of Grandads Garden, I loved to play there when I was small. While it was a lovely sentiment from him, he was likely forced to call it that from a very bossy five-year-old. 
As an adult Grandad was the biggest advocate and supporter during my university days and we emailed each other regularly with updates on my studies as I think he felt this was more formal than facetime. I learnt my lesson to not use the work Uni, as he was less than impressed with the abbreviation. 
It was an honour and privilege to love and care for Grandad, especially over the past year. As small act of appreciation for the love he has given our family and country in service. 
Rest in peace Grandad; Gorffwyswch mewn heddwch taid. lots of love Bethany. 


As Grandads youngest grandchild I loved to listen to all his army stories, and I have now followed in my Grandads footsteps and im serving in the Royal Engineers. 
I was able to tell Grandad the beginning of my journey in the Army and was fortunate to show him my passing out parade in Pirbright. I hope to my Grandad proud. lots of love Luke.